–Air,water,land, and noise; noise pollution is the one that has the potential for the most damage to humans and wildlife.
–It is a hidden health hazard that impacts our physical, psychological and intellectual well being.
–Our ears never shut down, even while we are sleeping, so the input is constant.
They are amazing neurotransmitters that gather and process sound, sending the input off to our brain where fascinating things happen.
Sound waves are collected by our ear canal and passed to the ear drum, which vibrates. The sound waves are then picked up by fluid in the inner ear and passed to the inner ear structures where the acoustic nerve connects to the brain.
–Whisper - 30 db, Bagpipes - 90-110db
–Normal speech - 60 db, Power Saw - 100db
–Television - 70 db, Fire Cracker - 115-120db
–Traffic - 75-80 db, Rock concert -120db
–Blow dryer - 85 db, Gunshot/Train/Jet -150db
–Noisy hall - 85 db, Classroom - 85 db
Examples: depression, anger, aggression, anxiety, increased violence, alcohol and drug use, fatigue, increase in suicide, decreased social skills, personality disorders
Examples: decreased learning capacity, memory loss, poor language skills, decreased speech development, decreased academic performance, decreased cognitive ability
–Hearing damage begins at 90 db and can be permanent with one exposure of 120 db or more.
–The average decibel levels exposed to 70-86 db; where damage to physical, psychological and communicative health begins
I am acutely aware of the impact of noise on my well being. The average Stereo generates 90db. It is important in any of our health arena’s that we make deliberate choices about how to protect ourselves.
How can we stop the constant bombardment to our ears and protect our over all health? Shhhhhh :)
It cannot be done!
– Even during sleep our ears are absorbing sound waves that are then processed by our brain.
–What we can do is seek practical ways to diminish the noise OR protect our ears from receiving too much damaging input, i.e. decibels
–What kinds of sounds stimulate you, soothe you, irritate you?
–Do you find you have ringing in your ears after certain sound exposures?
–Is there a family history of hearing loss?
Controlling the noise in your life is not hopeless, but does require determination on your part to respect and alter the level of noise
Wear ear plugs in very loud places. Filtered ear plugs, such as Sonic II can be purchased in any music or gun shop. They reduce the damaging decibels, whereas foam plugs will muffle sound but still allow too high a decibel range to enter your ears.
Increase trees and shrubs around property.
Be aware of your surroundings and do whatever you can to reduce the noise level.
Find quiet time daily.
Limit your time in a noisy environment
Why bother?
- Have you ever felt bashing somebody who has been incessantly honking behind despite no space to move your vehicle an inch?
- Have you ever felt to mute honkers of all the vehicles around you when stuck in traffic ?
- Do you leave home during peak traffic hours and arrive at work irritated and mad bcoz of all that internal noise on the way ?
- Do you feel like smashing those loudspeakers blaring incessantly into the night on the heads of people who arranged that function in your colony ?
- Have you ever wished you could twist and knot the silencers of those MTV(Motor Vehicles) rut-tut-ting around Bangalore and spoiling Peace and Calm?.
This community project is committed to Cause 'No Honking Day' in Bangalore partnering with Bangalore Traffic Police, Citizens in Bangalore. Those who love to make environment, free from noise pollution in Bangalore, please let your interest be known @ nohonkplease@googlegroups.com [nohonkingplease@gmail.com]
I very good initiation and hopfully this message reaches to a larger number of people.
There is a lot of sound pollution around the world and strict laws and steps by the Govt will enable the standards to again fall back in place.
99% of the time you horn unnecessarily and unknowingly, honking has become a bad habit for you over a period of time.
Honking is necessary only in ghat section (hilly roads/curves/U-bends) where you cannot see the incoming vehicle.
Only the other time you need to horn is when a blind person is crossing the road -
100% of the time you think that ‘if I continuously horn and drive I will be safe’. You are not actually you are scaring the other driver.
However fast you go in a city honking continuously you will only reach your destination hardly 5 or 6 minutes early than others, is it worth?
Select one day in week as ‘non-honking day’ and you will see the difference.
Don’t think that just because you honk the other person will give you the way. He will not and many times in cities he/she cannot.
Whenever you see a green signal please do not horn, because just like you the person in front of you also has seen the green light. Have patience, do not get tensed, you will live longer -
99% of the time you horn unnecessarily and unknowingly, horning has become a bad habit for you over a period of time.
Honking is necessary only in ghat section (hilly roads/curves/U-bends) where you cannot see the incoming vehicle.
Only the other time you need to horn is when a blind person is crossing the road -
100% of the time you think that ‘if I continuously horn and drive I will be safe’. You are not actually you are scaring the other driver.
However fast you go in a city honking continuously you will only reach your destination hardly 5 or 6 minutes early than others, is it worth?
Select one day in week as ‘non-honking day’ and you will see the difference.
Don’t think that just because you honk the other person will give you the way. He will not and many times in cities he/she cannot.
Whenever you see a green signal please do not horn, because just like you the person in front of you also has seen the green light. Have patience, do not get tensed, you will live longer -
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